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Out Of This World Services

Akashic Reading & Clearing

Akashic Reading and Clearing, Allows the soul to become more empowered and opens up the new heart- ware and thought- ware to your unique expression of love. This reading will help you clear out any fuckery from the Atlantean/ Lemurian trauma’s, galactic wars, lower frequencies and so much more.

Divine Guidance

Insight into the past, present and future. I use my intuition, tarot/oracle cards and numerology to bring in the guidance.

Galactic Star Origins Report Card

Welcome Starseeds, Lightworkers and Master Teachers of the light. This read will unveil your cosmic origin, heritage and history. 
In the reading, Klaudija will help you find your star roots such as the Lyran, Vegan, Plieadian,Sirian, or any of the other star systems. She will guide you into your highest potential of your Cosmic Credits and how to build your Soul Capital. You will receive a report card on your cosmic credits and how you can build on them to work towards your soul capital.

Twin Flame Astro-Numerology Readings

We will dive deep into the twin flame union. I will track the energy and frequency of this union and give you the next steps of your twin flame journey.

Birthday Solar Return Reading (Birthday Reading)

This is a birthday reading for your year to come. Before or after your birthday there is a 10 hour window that opens up, where you become the most powerful manifestor for the year. I will guide you in helping you create the best year ever. This session needs to be booked a week before your birthday 🥳 so you can have time to prepare. Love you💙💜

Clients Testimonials

Beautiful jewellery and beautiful person. Klaudija is truly amazing at what she does!

Sarah Vee

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